Look At Your Hands …

As I sat across my teenage daughter at the dinning table, having a casual family time. I said \”Please pass me that bottle beside you\”. she did just that and handed me the bottle. I held the bottle in my hand and a minute later and said again \”Please pass me that bottle beside you\”. This time there was no bottle there because it was in my hand.  She looked at me strangely and smiled saying \”Mummy, you already have it\”.  I looked at my hand and said \”I do\”.

That same moment, even though my original intent was to look for trouble, the penny dropped for me. We were all born a total package, unique and different from one another. Equipped with what we need to survive and be successful in life. Gifts and talents in different variations, styles and degrees abound in each one of us.

Why then do we keep going back and praying amiss? God cannot give you anything more than He already packaged in you. You cannot add more water into a full bucket. The bucket is FULL.  .  The widow had a jar of oil in her hands,  she needed INSTRUCTION, FAITH and OBEDIENCE.

So just like my daughter could not give me what she did not have. God cannot give you what He no longer has for you. It is in you. Search yourself for your gifts and talents, that has been deposited in you since your creation and pray instead for wisdom and direction. So I say \”Look at your hands and Pray rightly\”

ThAT’s JuSt THe WaY It iS

Queen B


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