It has indeed been a while since I did a blog post and I sure did miss sharing my thoughts here. Time spent doing other things was worthwhile and valued, but I am glad to be back.
Over the weekend, I was privileged to attend a follow up support call on a training program that I took. The host took his time to explain and gave so much value on the call. Then came the questions and answer session, and another phase of learning from other people\’s perspectives emerged. What blew me away was the patience, time and thought that went into answering everyone\’s questions. Even though we went over time, the motive of the host was without doubt; no-one must be left behind.
That definitely got me thinking. In our journey of life, who are we carrying along when we are going places? When the prospect is promising, who are we calling to view the other side? What kind of a traveller are we? Are you a solo- artist or you understand the power of two or more?
As the world gets smaller, systems are taking over in automation and fast tracking success. The importance of collaboration, team work, partnership, scaling and compounding is showing up more evidently in business and networking systems. Who are you carrying along? As that may be a wrong question for some people, I will ask then again; who are you going with?
I will leave the thoughts with you to process as I go pull my boat out for my own journey. You are more than welcome to come along my journey.
One of the most inspiring videos I have had the opportunity to come across tells the story of a contented woman. I watched this video at a time when the world was in chaos and world leaders could barely sleep. Families were dying all over the globe and death toll on a daily basis was the highlight of media channels.
The same time was described as unprecedented and even as I write today, countries are still trying to contain the virus activated life style that we all currently live. Yet, for the few people who could see beyond the chaos, they celebrated that they were part of history. It was famine and rationing in most places and most homes. However, this video caused me to cry tears of joy. The woman\’s joy was authentic. What she had and celebrated, most rich and famous people could never get, even if they exchanged all their wealth for it.
This brought me to the question of fulfillment, contentment and self-actualization. She was without any shadow of doubt, contented and most definitely on the path to self actualization. She was realistic, optimistic and open handed to welcome people to her home .If fulfillment is the definition of achievement of something desired, then I cannot honestly answer for her if she is fulfilled or not. She alone will be able to say what her aspirations are and if they are met or not. I leave you to decide after watching the video to share your thoughts below.
No matter what the day presents, my message for you today is simple. Enjoy the journey and smell the roses as you go. If you can\’t see the roses, take in the fresh air and be grateful that you can inhale and exhale. People on ventilators are struggling to do just that. Laugh daily, find your purpose and live without apology for who you are. Be true to yourself – that is one thing you should not compromise. Be your authentic self, it is too hard being a clone of someone else or a copy. It is better to be a bad original than a good copy.
Be intentional about your happiness and about being the difference you want to see in society. Embrace change, be open to ideas. Keep a gratitude journal as you consciously count your blessings. Accept what you cannot change and change what you can. Be deliberate about redesigning a better version of yourself on a daily basis. Live life as best as you can today, tomorrow is promised to no-one.
Your reason being #YHTK (You hold the key). The difference lies in purpose and living it through.
One of the quotes I am crazy about in recent times is attributed to Winston Churchill and it says \”if you are going through hell, keep going.\” Every leader knows that there are times when quitting seems to be very attractive, yet it is not an option. Always stop to consider all the shift that has gone before and the medal awaiting you at the goal post.
Life was never a promise of hunky dory and smooth sailing. The times when we acquire the burns, scratches and scars are truly our defining moments. The medal at the end of the race is desirable and it fuels the drive to keep going. No matter what we are faced with on a daily basis, let\’s keep going as It never truly ends until the last breath.
Do you have scars from yesteryears to look back on, reminding you that the struggle was real? If you are here today, then you walked through your previous hell and you will do it again and again. Winners don\’t quit and quitters don\’t win they say. If you did it before, sure you can do it again.
All you need to carry on is tackle one day at a time and an attitude of gratitude. It does not matter how big the mess is, start by handling what you can and this too shall pass! #YHTK (You hold the key).
Looking around you currently with the state of the global economy, the demands on the global health system, the unpredictable nature of the future; Are you thinking of the thin line between managing existing limited resources and poverty threshold? or unsure of where the next income stream is going to come from. Are you stressing about the many bills and people you still need to support? If so, you sure do have enough reasons to worry today.
Some people do not need all or some of the above before they worry. They are born worriers. They worry about the shape of the teabag, the colour of the soup, the middle name of their son\’s class teacher, why there are only six waffles in a pack, the look on the post man\’s face, people that greet or acknowledge them and the ones that ignore them. Simply put, they always have a reason to worry about something or the other.
On the other hand, some people float through life effortlessly like the world was made for them to skip through every hurdle. Do they have any problem? Sure they do! The difference being that they have taken a decision about the role of worry in their lives.
Who has worry helped?
Worrying has never been known to help anyone or solve a problem. Not one! What worry does is magnify the problem for you, create anxiety and fear. Fear paralyses you. Fear blocks you from seeing any possible solution. Fear eats you up and releases negative toxins in your body, thereby causing further ailments and diseases in the body.
I have always been accused of sauntering through life like I have no problem. What people fail to understand is the fact that I do not entertain fear, worry or anxiety. I have learnt to live my worry free life by doing four simple things – PTCD.
Pray: As a believer in Christ and the holy trinity. I take all my worries to God in prayer as my no. 1 port of call. Being a person of faith and having lived my life like this with positive results for over 5 decades has taught me to pray with an expectant heart for a positive result. Part of praying includes being thankful for previous victories with a heart of gratitude and also for eternal access to God himself through Christ Jesus.
Trust: For me to trust means there has been proven track record of success. I believe whatever the outcome of the current situation, even if it is not what I am expecting, it will work to my advantage. So I become open minded towards the result.
Cast: I transfer the problem to God to sort out. No, I do not bury my head in the sand and ignore that I have an issue to deal with. Remember, that I have prayed to someone I trust to sort it out for me. Just like if you have a broken car, you take it to your trusted mechanic; you expect him to call you to let you know the job is complete and if there\’s any part that needs to be added to the car, he will let you know. (I don\’t worry about the process the mechanic takes in getting the car ready. That is his job). That is just how it works when you cast your cares.
Do: Next step is to take action. Once you have done all the above, you have a clearer vision of what your next step of action will be. Whatever step you take will get to the end of the problem, no matter how fast or long it takes. The main thing at that point in time is that you are not stressed or anxious about it. You are taking action.
What you need to know now is that; Worry never added a positive thing to your situation. Worry takes away from you. You can be worry free even if the world around you is collapsing by practicing: Pray- Trust- Cast – Do. Remembering always that #YHTK (You hold the Key)
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Rarely will you find a right thinking man not seeking progress or success in one venture or the other. We are mostly constantly on a path of making things better or doing things differently towards a better way of life. We set goals, targets and work hard towards them but sometimes it just takes forever to reach these goals.
One of the things that stops us in our track is often times intangible and unreal. Not knowing the problem is more dangerous than knowing the problem. When you know, you begin to look for ways to find solution. When you do not know, you have no idea what to do to solve a stagnating period of life. One major life goal limiting factor is negative thoughts.
Negative thoughts – This is a problem emanating from the mind that once you can tackle, you are on a winning path. Negative thoughts tells you; you cannot do it, you are not equipped, you have none or little knowledge, you will fail, no one survives, you will die etc, BUT once you learn to attack negative thoughts, progress begins for you.
Since negative thought is a problem from the mind, you need to tackle it at source. First, you start by meditating on the positive, then hearing it so often around you by audio listening or conversation. Then you begin to confess it daily and believing your confession until it manifests into reality. Yet, you keep up your confession or affirmation such that it becomes second nature.
Words used to counter negative thoughts include believing on quotes like Napoleon Hills\’ \”What a mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.\” The operating word there is believing. If you believe the lie, it will manifest itself greatly for you. If you change the game and believe positively for yourself, it will manifest itself greatly for you.
Today is the time for you to start changing the game for your life. You have dreams, goals and desires. Start believing in yourself and your ability to win. If you do not have the skills to carry it out, you will take the necessary action to learn it. Focus on your goal and believe in yourself. You can, you will and you start confessing and acting.
I can. I will. I am able. I know. I am. You are in the driver\’s seat of your life. Something as flimsy as a thought saying it is not possible will not stop you. Understand this too, it is always impossible until it is done. You can and you will. You are more than able. You hold the key #YHTK.
Think about why people treat you the way you are treated. Confidence in carriage does not arise from copying what you like in other people. Confidence is a product of knowledge. knowledge of who you are.
Too many people suffer from self doubt, insecurity and co dependence on others and lots more emotional problems. Take time to think and understand that not everybody will like you even if you spend all of your lifetime trying to please them. You actually start living the day you stop worrying about other people\’s opinion and start doing what is right for yourself.
How much value do you place on yourself. If you think you are worthless, why do you expect other people to respect you? You are already sending a negative signal, why are you expecting positive? If you plant an apple seed, why are you expecting an harvest of banana? Did you plant banana?
As you see yourself, so will the world see you. Change your belief system today and start seeing only value in yourself because truly you are valuable. Those flaws that you are focusing on to diminish yourself, everyone has them in different degrees. You are no different than any other man, the only difference is they acknowledge their negative parts and have accepted it as part of who they are, yet focused on their positive while self improving generally.
What then are you waiting for? Begin counting the good things going for you and you will begin to see value in yourself. Remember also, #YHTK. Start adding value to yourself if you want others to see value in you and change the negative way you have accepted to be treated.
If you are a parent or a very caring friend, you will fully grasp my message today. When you try so hard to get your children to understand life issues, to safeguard them for the future, or you try and save a mate from a destructive relationship and in their eyes, \”You don\’t get it\”! That is exactly what I am talking about.
I constantly preach a message of savings and investment to my children, because I was one of those in my generation who got formal education instead of financial education. Thankfully, I copped on before it was too late. I want them to be financially independent and retired from the rat race at an early age. Yet, there is that one missing puzzle – the message is never well received when the relationship is too close.
My daughter called me up a couple of months ago, she had been on a night out with her work colleagues and met one of the directors at work, who happened to be a young girl, few years older than my daughter. This young director was chatting about how she scrimps and saves and budgets on everything, watches her spending habits and she finally has her own house, a three bed house in London and she is only 27 years old.
My daughter\’s call was about her eureka moment of seeing the light through another young person\’s vision. She was inspired and started planning on how she was going to change her habits and save more and this and that.
That one moment when the penny drops and the blind receives their sight. That one moment when understanding illuminates your life and you realize that all that you need to be who you need to be is already within you. That one moment when you realize that you are a total package, with nothing missing and nothing lost.
My message to you today is to let you know that you are part of a fully functioning body and no one else will do you like you. You thoughts, your style, your ideas, your skills, your habits, your face and all of you is peculiar to you. You are unique and well endowed to live a happy and successful life. The tools are all within you.
Start with self love, appreciation of all of you both hardware and software.
Identify your inherent skills
Find where your skills can solve a problem for humanity
It\’s the last post for this year and I am super excited and sincerely words defy me in explaining my enthusiasm for the new year. In all sincerity, I feel like a five year old kid, awaiting Santa to drop the goodies. All for the transition into 2020.
I am compelled to share some of the operating key words that has opened doors of opportunity and favour for me this year and which I am definitely carrying into the next year.
Simplify – Don\’t over complicate any issue. Less is more.
Intention – Wake up with intention and carry on through the day in execution of goals with intention. (It is your commitment to yourself).
Mindfulness – A skill to be developed in goal achievement.
Affirmation/Declaration/ Confession – 3 words one meaning. keep it positive.
Manifestation = Faith in action – Propelling reality from the abstract realm.
Journal – Write it down and make it plain. (Good for direction and look back memoirs)
Reflection – Looking back
Balance – A necessary tool to successful living
Overwhelm – A mental state of mind you need to check constantly and avoid at all cost.
Legacy – Your obligation to humanity.
Expectation – An attitude of the mind that delivers your needs.
Happy – A constant state of mind reflected by intermittent smiles throughout the day.
Freedom – Your right to living free and to be you in every sense.
Impact – The number of lives you touch and make a difference in.
Empowerment – Every word, thought or deed from you that propels another to becoming a better person in any aspect of life.
Purpose – Your personal task on planet earth. Your raison d\’etre.
Attitude – Only one word for this GRATITUDE . The key to successful living.
Worry – An issue that has nothing to do with you. It resolves itself with minimal action.
Time – The equivalent of life. Totally priceless.
Identity – Knowing who you are without a shadow of doubt.
These are my definitions for the above words that have blessed me beyond measure and brought great joy to my life. I hope 2019 has been an eventful one for you and pray 2020 brings clarity to your vision.
Let\’s get this party started! Right. Happy New Year in advance and remember always #YHTK
Not too long ago, I had the opportunity to have one of my life goals accomplished after spending years of looking for the right location, finding the funds to get started and eventually finding a fully kitted restaurant where I took it over as a going concern.
The week before the take over, I had the urge to clean out my space, documents, house and pretty much every area around me needed to have clarity. This was because my subconscious was aware of a new beginning and my mind understood clarity was needed for me to think and take concise actions.
Few years later when I ran into financial difficulties, my state of mind at the time was reflected once again in my environment. All I could see around me was chaos and clutter. Overwhelm became a regular visitor in my head until I took control of my life to find a solution to that situation as well.
The last two days I have spent in a workshop for a self development course, and I marvel once again as I watched the personality of trainers reflecting in all that was done at the weekend. They gave much by way of content, standards, synergy and class. They were super generous and efficient without asking us to break the bank or get in debt to be able to go the next mile.
I don\’t normally do this, but I cannot help but do a shout out to Alison Mackenzie and Darren Jenkins of X10 effect. To the lovely friendly staff and excellent meal service at the Sheraton Skyline hotel Heathrow, You guys rock! To trainers and coaches in transformation industry, keep in mind that just as you are in the industry to transform lives, remember also that your personality and especially your motive reflects in your delivery.
To everyone reading this, remember that self development is the greatest gift you can give yourself and your best investment is You. After all, #YHTK
A good friend of mine is waiting by her brother\’s bed side all day, watching his condition get worse as he is in palliative care. She is anxious and tearful most nights at the thought of losing a loved one to cancer. The outcome expected is no doubt a negative one with nothing to be done but wait and try to make his last days as beautiful as can possibly be. She is in the waiting room.
I am waiting earnestly for a positive response to a request made to someone whose contribution to society inspires me a lot, so that I in turn can continue to add value in my own little way to people in my world. Naturally being a hopeless optimist, I am 100% hopeful of a yes answer. I am in the waiting room.
Someone somewhere under the radar of the sun today is waiting for a partner to put to bed, another waiting for the promotion to be approved, another waiting for the bank to say yes to the credit line request, another waiting for the publisher to say yes, or for the partner to agree to the marriage proposal. Someone waiting for the judge\’s hammer to decide their fate or for the train to come on time.
If you check yourself today, you too are in the waiting room for one thing or the other. I am waiting to retire next year and impact the world more with my extra free time. What are you waiting for?
What happens in the waiting room is more important than being in the waiting room. You can allow your brain to frizzle with fear or rise above to the next level. You can plan on your positive outcome or if negative, plan a positive next step of action. You can be paralysed or become a giant threading on every obstacle.
In the waiting room, victims and victors are born. We were born to rule the planet and the tools for success are all within us. Charge up your thoughts today and rise to the next level. Mandela\’s prison cell was a waiting room for immense victory. Wherever you are today, remain limitless. A free mind can never be caged. Remember always that #YHTK (You Hold The Key). Your life, your terms.
Tell us about your waiting room experience and the outcome, we would love to learn from you.