Appointment with Destiny (3)

I would describe myself as an ordinary person who is easy to get along with. I have 4 main passions in life namely:

  1. God
  2. My husband
  3. My 2 boys
  4. Fitness/healthy living

The mandate upon my life is simply to be an exemplary wife and mother as I support my family in the call God has placed on our lives to be an example of a good Christian family.

I asked Danielle some of the same questions Janet Attwood from Healthy, Wealthy and Wise asked some inspirational leaders of our time, and here are her responses. My prayer, as you read this is that your faith level will increase, your divine purpose be clarified, and your determination to fulfill the call of God on your life, grow stronger with the dawn of each new day.


Who has been the most influential person in your life? The person who has most affected the person you are today?


 What is your day like?

I wake up between 05.15am and 05.30am. I pray with my husband till about 06.00am,  then we  go downstairs together to make smoothie for the family. The kids usually wake up during this time and we send the kids to do their own prayer time, they come back and discuss what they have read with us and then we all go to the gym till about 07.15am, then get ready for school/work. If I am doing the school run we aim to leave home for about 7.50am and leave the school at 08.30am, get to work at about 08.45am.  I start work at 09.00am and try to finish at the latest at 06.30pm if I’m on-call and earlier if I’m not. We have dinner together as a family at about 06.45pm, (my husband usually would have picked the kids up, bathed them and done most of their homework) After dinner, we all clear up and then go upstairs and sit with the kids to find out about their day and finish homework and the kids go to  bed at 08.15pm – 08.30pm. Then I catch up with housework or chat with my husband and at 09.00pm, my husband and I will pray together, I go to bed after this or catch up on more work

What are the things that you just cannot do without?

 I cannot do without praying twice a day at the very least, smoothie daily and Gym (I try at least four times a week).  But my smoothie, not negotiable.

Would this be your priority no matter what else?

Yes. God first then smoothie – Anywhere in the world and if we do not have access to a smoothie maker, we substitute smoothie for fresh fruit. Thank God, you can take God anywhere!

 What is your current vocation?

I work as a General practitioner

What attracted you to your current vocation?

The flexibility that comes with it. I started training as a Pediatrician but found it was not family friendly and I had to decide what was more important to me -career or family? So I left Paediatrics before I got too deep in it.

What are you most concerned about?

To raise a Godly family and be a good example.

Why is that so important – how did that come up?

 It all began with a vision God gave us.  My husband’s name is Babatunde, we call him Baba (which in my language means father).  God revealed to him he will be a father of many nations just like Abraham and his generation being blessed.  We see ourselves in that Abrahamic line. Also like Priscilla and Aquilla who were mere church helpers.  We are convinced we have no pastoral calling or some high leadership role, but our calling is to be helpers.  To stir up and encourage other people’s visions and therefore we open our home for Church use for example hosting guest preachers, youth social events, home group or such needs as we can accommodate.  For this role, you need to live an exemplary life to be able to impact your community and that is what we do and why it is important to us.

(to be continued)

ThAT’s JuSt THe WaY It iS

Queen B

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